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Orthodontic Emergencies


Here you can find information about the most common emergencies that can happen during the orthodontic treatment and ways to deal with them until your next appointment.


Food trap between my braces

This is not an actual emergency, nevertheless it can cause a bit discomfort to the patient. It can be dealt easily with good oral hygiene after every meal.


My gum bleed during brushing

Gum bleeding during brushing or flossing indicates inflammation of the site. Usually it means that the site is not properly cleaned.


The wire and/or the elastics fell out of position

If an elastic falls out of position, then you should stop using any elastics your orthodontist has given you. If the wire has fell off and pinches the lip or the cheek, then you can very genlty and carefully push the wire back in position or place a small portion of wax over the wire to relieve the injured site, until your next appointment.


I have some discomfort after having the braces placed

Some discomfort is normal and temporrary the first days after the placement of the braces-orthodontics or the clear aligners. Consumption of soft food and rinsing with warm salt water is recommended to help with the discomfort.


I have small wounds on the inside of my lips or cheeks

Due to the direct contact of the lips and the cheeks with the braces, some irritation may occur, especially the first days after the placement of the braces. Use of a small portion of wax over the braces or the wire can relieve from the discomfort. There is no danger in case you accidentally swallow the wax, since is biocompatible and harmless. After a few days the irritation should go away as the soft tissues "get used to" the presence of the braces.

A bracket fell off, has detached from the rest

If you realize that a bracket has detached from the rest, contact your orthodontist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. If you are using elastics stop using them until your next appointment.


A piece of the braces has broken off

Remove the broken piece from the mouth and contact your orthodontist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. If you have the piece, do not forget to bring it with you on your next appointment.


I lost my retainer

Contact your orthodontist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment and have your retainer replaced, to avoid relapse.


I swallowed a piece of my braces

This happens very rare. Remain calm, since probably will pass through the stomach and out of the system. Despite that, if at any point you have difficulty breathing call 112 and your Orthodontist immediately.

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